Startseite What is Bioenergetic Gardening? Terrace cultivation in Tamera Photo gallery Videos – Teachings Videos – The Broadfork Terrace cultivation in Tamera Videos – The heart-hoe bioenergetic gardening For the last 19 years I have lived and gardened in community. I grew up in a farm and I always loved to work with my hands and simple tools. When I was 17 I discovered Hartha-yoga, and have been practicing since then. I began to study …more about me In 2007 I met Sepp Holzer in Tamera and began a three-year training in “Holzer-permaculture”. Since then I have been caring for and cultivating the terraced gardens around Lake 1 – the first lake we created in Tamera with Sepp Holzer. My …more events This is a call to all gardeners and earth-healers!Learn to train your body, working with the broadfork and other tools. Here you can find a special offer of workshop about bio-energetic gardening by Robert Wiener.more Bioenergetic gardening with Robert Wiener Tamera Healing Biotope | Monte do Cerro | 7630 Reliquias | PortugalTel. +351915403016 <This e-mail address is protected against spam bots, you have to activate JavaScript in your browser to see it.>